Udderly great reasons why your farm needs a Portable Cabin

Why would a farm require a portable cabin building?
Portable Cabins are a familiar sight within agricultural settings. According to a report published in 2019 by Savills, there are around 192,000 farms in the UK, 20% of these are over 250 acres. The larger farms cover three quarters of the farmland, and around 50% of all holdings are under 50 acres, with many farms being family-run units.
Because farmland is so diverse in both size and age, some small holds require additional space or updated facilities to accommodate newer farming practices.
So, why would a farm or farmer need a portable cabin?
Here are some typical uses…
Weighbridge office:
*There are many reasons a farm would want to weigh product moving in and out of the yard, from simply recording crop yields of individual fields to getting the accurate weight of a trailer load of silage sold to a neighbour. For bigger arable units with a significant volume of shared grain storage, having vehicle weighing facilities is essential in ensuring every kernel from each enterprise is accounted for, states Farmers Weekly.
Chemical Storage:
Keeping pesticides and herbicides organised and stored somewhere safe, secure, out of direct sunlight and well ventilated may be easier said than done on farmland. A small portable cabin could be convenient on site.
Having a portable cabin on your farm is a great way to improve hygiene and biosecurity standards. Farm animal and bird diseases can be easily spread and are initially not always apparent, meaning the spread can quickly cause severe devastation to livestock. Portable cabins can add control points and eliminate the spread of disease.
Many farm businesses will have offices within their family homes but following the Covid-19 pandemic it has been necessary to create new working space for team members. Portable Cabins are a great way to create extra space, for personnel to have offices, kitchenette, and toilets.
Canteen/Changing area:
Similar to the requirements of office space, designated space for a canteen and changing room area is ideal for personal hygiene and biosecurity measures.
Portable Cabins by Cabinlocator, are manufactured to the highest standards using industry leading brands such as Dobel steel cladding and Firestone Rubbercover roof membrane making them built to last and a sustainable choice!
Our cabins are available in a range of designs, either plastisol colours or timbers clad, so they suit your farm environment setting.
If you have been considering extending your outer buildings at your farm, consider a portable cabin.
Speak to a member of our helpful team today on 01757 282319 to discuss your requirements.
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