Why Portable Offices May Offer A Climate-Proof Solution
If your business needs new office space, there are many reasons you might go for a portable office. The most common is if you need it on a temporary basis, such as when the building you normally use is being renovated. But there may also be situations where having a building you can relocate easily will offer a solution to the looming climate crisis.
Should the worst case predictions or anything like them come true, the next couple of decades will see hotter summers, more wet weather and associated flooding, increased storms and higher sea levels, with the latter causing more coastal erosion and potentially seeing low-lying land sinking beneath the sea.
If your firm is based in such an area, a portable cabin could be the best option instead of building a new office, as the latter could be a rather wet place a few years hence.
Areas like the Lancashire Coast and the Fens – often many miles inland just now – will be among those vulnerable. Boston, Lincoln, Hull, Portsmouth and Chichester are among the most at-risk areas without drastic action. By the 2050s around 200,000 homes could be lost, along with many more commercial premises.
According to Climate Central, even by the end of this decade large areas of Bournemouth and Poole may be underwater.
Of course, much may be done to protect major centres of population, with the Thames Flood Barrier in London being reinforced and similar protections being built into the infrastructure of other cities. But that sort of protection is neither affordable nor practical everywhere, which means many businesses could have to move sooner than they think.
While inland areas may be less affected, there is still the risk of increased flooding if the weather gets stormier, which means the same considerations could apply to areas around rivers and lakes. The ability to relocate offices could prove invaluable for many a company in the years ahead.
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